My Bucket List - UPDATED 2015

Due to a spinal injury sustained in 2015, I continue to be in recovery. At this time I am unable to run therefore until such time I can improve my mobility I have had to reschedule my programme . As part of my rehabilitation I am working towards swimming the English Channel again in 2015 : 

August-Sept 2015      Solo English Cross Channel Swim - England to France 
                                     'UNFINISHED BUSINESS'      

Sometimes we do not know what is worth doing until we actually do it and reflect upon it.

My Bucket list is not about me dying but about me living and helping others as I challenge myself both physically and mentally to achieve the goals of 'My Bucket List'.

Many of the challenges that I have chosen to undertake are very much about things that I have never really been good at and will no doubt push my resolve to the limit?

Until May 2011 I was a holiday swimmer, I never achieved my 25 length swimming certificate at Primary School and preferred to 'bob around' in a pool and now I'm training to swim the English Channel.

Whilst I can run up hills and mountains much faster than most cyclists, I dislike cycling immensely, the last time I owned a bicycle was in the 4th year of school and it had 'cow horns' but I will now challenge myself to cycle and run around Scotland in pursuit of conquering the Munro's and then the entire coastline of Britain.

I am perhaps what you call a 'big lump' and prefer performing in milder climates but I want to face the extremities that many of the 'Bucket List' challenges will bring; the cold of the sea or Arctic, the heat of the Sahara or the tough terrain of the Highlands, because after all my philosophy is that 'Because one day I won't be able to'.

Yes, I have set myself some tough goals but these pale into insignificance to the challenges faced by many individuals and their families on a daily basis. I will not let it obscure the rest of what matters in life.

If you can help me in some small way to support other ordinary people and their families, those that are leading extraordinary lives as a result of fighting cancer or a terminal illness, wouldn't it be time well spent if we can keep families together that little bit longer.    

The Schedule

28th August 2013         Solo English Cross Channel Swim - England to France 
                                       The English Channel is the 21 mile stretch of water that
                                        separates England and France. To swim the channel is 
                                        the most iconic swim to tackle in the world  known as the
                                        'Everest of Swimming'.
April - June 2017          Continuous traverse of the 284 Scottish mountains over
                                       3,000 ft, the Munro's (*283 Subject to pending 2012 demotion )

                                       Approx: 2.33 miles of swimming, 764 miles of cycling, 893 miles on
                                       foot and 411,717 ft of ascent starting at Ben More, Isle of Mull
                                       and ending on Ben Hope,Sutherland.

TO BE RESCHEDULED The Marathon Des Sables.The MdS is a 6 day /151
                                         mile  endurance race across the Sahara Desert in Morocco

Summer of 2017           To have networked with a million people and
                                       raised over £1million pounds for charity



End of My Bucket List' - 'I will be 50'

*Recent Survey of Beinn a' Chlaideimh (Fisherfield)

The Scottish Mountaineering Club has been notified of the recent survey results produced by the Munro Society which indicate that this Munro (OS Sheet 19; NH 061 775, M280) may be at the marginal height of 913.96m. If confirmed, this would place it some 44cm under the necessary height for a Munro. Accordingly, and bearing in mind the marginality of these measurements, the SMC has undertaken to consider the implications for Munros and Corbetts Tables when the Ordnance Survey update their maps of the area.

We need hardly add that anyone who walks the mountains and hills of Scotland out of a love for their ambience, will continue to appreciate this fine mountain, whether it be classified as a Munro or a Corbett. For the moment at least, Beinn a'Chlaideimh remains in Munro's Tables®.

Following confirmation that the Ordnance Survey will adopt the height information from the recent surveys carried out by the Munro Society, the Scottish Mountaineering Club (SMC) can confirm that it will amend the official list of Munros (Munro’s Tables), which it maintains, to show that Sgurr nan Ceannaichean (913m, Section 12) is now no longer a Munro. This change brings the number of separate summits in former SMC member Sir Hugh Munro's list of 3000 foot peaks to 283.

Sgurr nan Ceannaichean will be added to Corbett’s Tables which the SMC also main

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