To Donate

To donate :

Text 'GREE15 £5' to 70070

You may donate securely by 'clicking on the DONATE button' found on my home page or enclose a cheque/postal order made payable to 'Together 4 Life'

Please get involved ,together we can me make a real difference and help keep families where they belong, together for longer.

There are many ways that you can help support me in raising funds for my chosen charities.

Whether you chose to make a personal donation, sponsor a challenge, join me on any part of my adventure your support would be welcome.

Lets Network....

One of the 'things to do' on my Bucket List is to meet or network with a million people, raising over a million pounds by the end of 2015, its a big ask but all I ask is for you to kindly donate £1.00 or more and also ask your network of friends, family and colleagues to help me achieve the target- it can be done!

Let's just see how powerful Twitter, Linked in and Face book really can be? 

Please Show your support....

I am looking for companies or individuals to help provide support and to sponsor all elements of my challenges; either the day of the challenges themselves, the support vehicles or vessel, my equipment, clothing or even my food and fuel, everything that is required to help me complete the 'Bucket List'.

Sponsor My English Channel Swim

Peter Green 2013 English Channel

A great opportunity to sponsor the day of my swim.

Sponsors wanted: Your message on my swim hat, shoulders, triceps, forearms, hands & backside.

Your message erected on the side of the support vessel displaying one overall sponsor or eight separate sponsors logo or message.

Naturally all sponsors will be fully accredited within any PR, marketing and promotion leading up to and including the day of the swim. 


Sponsor My Continuous Traverse of the Scottish Munro's

There are 284 Munro's in Scotland, mountains over 3,000 ft in height. My journey will be entirely self propelled, running, cycling and swimming, along with climbing. I will have a motor home with a back up crew for support.

*283 Subject to 2012 demotion - see or 'My Bucket List'

Why not sponsor a Munro?

I am looking to raise a total of £1,000 for each Munro completed.

You can sponsor each Munro either corporately, individually or as a family?

Run with me.....

Naturally as a sponsor you will be fully accredited within any PR, marketing and promotional activity relating to the challenge and if you wish either you, your friends, family or staff would be more than welcome to join me on the day of your sponsored mountains climb?
I will even produce a certificate as a memento of your support and days achievement?

Other friends and runners are also invited to join me for a day in the mountains or sea, your support is welcome but you will have to donate £100 per person. 

Logistics ....

The provision of cycle and vehicle support is also being sourced and there will be opportunities to sponsor the support vehicles and equipment relating to the challenge.... please email me for further details   


Together 4 Life

To support each of my nominated charities fairly I created Together 4 Life. Through the adventure and challenges that I face on my 'Bucket List' I will undertake to raise much needed funds for the UK's four leading cancer centres and Together for Short Lives to support children and young people with terminal illness and conditions.

Running things this way means that each charity that together we support will get an equal share of the monies raised, no matter where they are located or where the funds have been raised.

Gift Aid - My nominated charities can reclaim the tax that you have already paid on your donation from HRMC. This means that for every £1 you donate, a charity will receive £1.28 - at no extra cost to you. As funds are to be distributed equally to the charities through 'Together 4 Life' please either email me with your authority or send your authority with your  donation stating that "we, who have given our name, home address and post code want to reclaim tax on the donation". Together 4 Life will then administrate this with the registered charities.

Please send cheques to:

Together 4 Life, Portside, Chapel Lane, St. Margaret's -at- Cliffe, Dover, Kent CT15 6BQ 

All enquiries email:



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